New Lead Badges Launched Notice that your leads look a bit different? We recently launched new badges at the top of your...
Incoming Limitations for Free Accounts Starting now, only premium members will receive calls from seekers and be able to respond to job...
New Seeker Introduction Text Ever had issues getting a reply from our seekers after you've sent a text over to them? We've found...
Getting More Leads From Seekers For You At iseekplant we're forever looking for new ways to get our suppliers more leads. While we're...
Forklift Update: New Reach Stacker Category To make sure the most qualified jobs come your way, we've released a brand new sub-category: Reach...
Crane Truck Update: New Attributes Available We've made some positive changes to the Crane Truck category! To make sure the most qualified jobs...
What actually are Marketplace Metrics So you’ve logged in, you’re looking at Your Leads and there's a bar up the top with some numbers in...
The Missed Call Follow Up You Needed Ever get stuck in a never ending voicemail back and forth? We know getting someone to answer the...
Listings - The New Machines and Services Looking for Machines and Services on the menu? Don't worry they haven't disappeared for good,...
Introducing Machines and Services Limits Machines and Services Limits is a handy new feature that ensures you're consistently receiving...